Video with Toeac Accordion Duo (Pieternel Berkers and Renée Bekkers) playing Tango Orgánico by Benjamin de Murashkin. Benjamin de Murashkin wrote this tango for the accordionduo TOEAC. De Murashkin has incorporated techniques from other genres ...
Video with female accordion duet: Nina Slyusar and Lena Zybo performing "Balkan Dance". Nina & Lena both graduated from the Music Conservatory in Minsk and post graduate at Russian Academy of Music in Moscow. They are three times "Laureates" of ...
Accordion duet Nina & Lena - Balkan Dance - YouTube
Video with singing female accordionist Anja McCloskey and her alternative folk band. "I am a half-German, half-American singer and accordionist based in Southampton, England. Ever since my grandpa started playing his accordion to me as a little child I have ...
Anja McCloskey - A Kiss - New Single
- YouTube
Radůza (real name: Radka Vrankov, born: march 16, 1973) is a singer, accordion player and the writer of music and lyrics. She began by performing a mostly blues-coloured repertoire in the street. Her music is partly influenced by chanson and folk music.
Raduza - Dnes v noci nad svety
- YouTube
Video with female accordionist and singer Ginny Mac. She is a versatile artist that loves Country and Western music, Jazz, and Big Band classics, but enjoys playing all kinds of music.