Go Game Links And Resources. Go ("weiqi" in Chinese, "baduk" in Korean), is an ancient board game for two players that originated in China more than 2000 years ago.
The club has been active since 1985. The majority of players are between 1 and 7 kyu, though both high-kyu and dan-level players are represented. Recent tournaments have drawn as many as 24 players, both members and non-members.
Davis Sacramento Go Club davissacramentogoclub.org
We are a group of people dedicated to playing, teaching, and promoting the ancient game of Go, which is known as Igo in Japanese, Wéiqí in Chinese, and Baduk in Korean. Whether you're new to the game or a seasoned veteran, we have something for ...
The Arizona Go Club is an official chapter of the American Go Association and is located in Tempe, AZ. We are a small club, with 12-15 regular players. The strengths range from 16 Kyu up to 2 Dan.
Players of all levels are welcome! We range from beginners to 6 Dan. Of the nearly 30 members in Arlington, typically 15-20 attend each week. Teaching games and lectures are a feature, especially for beginners and mid-kyu players.
Go Game Club in Calgary, Province of Alberta, Canada. Join this club if you want to: play Go, learn Go face to face with friends, participate in local Go community, enjoy a friendly atmosphere, participate in the annual Calgary Go Tournament.
Go Game Club in Sewickley, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Goal of this club is to build a friendly community of GO friends in the greater Sewickley area.
Many diagrams and problems with answers (entrance, intermediate and advance level) about: opening, life and death, end game, tactics, invasions, capturing races and many more.